Wednesday, April 16, 2008

what is sustaining?

only one thing....Jesus!

in John 15:5 Jesus says the He is the vine and we are the branches...and that by staying connected to Him we would produce a lot of fruit....just as a branches is sustained by the vine it is connected to so are we sustained when we are hooked up with Him!

we try to find strength, joy, encouragement in all kinds of places....we try to find it in the people we love....we do lots of different things in search of that ultimate feeling or experience....but I'm learning through some hard things right now that Jesus is who sustains me....I can find all that I need in Him!

my prayer today: Lord, help me stay connected to you. Sustain me with all that I need from You today. Teach me not to look anywhere else, but to look to you. Amen.

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