Monday, December 31, 2007

thankful for blessings of 2007

on this last day of 2007, i am taking a few moments to reflect on the goodness of God during this past year...
overcoming major back surgery, starting adventure life church, starting and developing new friendships, luke and noah both winning basketball championships, noah turning an unassisted triple play in baseball, nate's first season of basketball, hope continuing to excel at gymnastics, hope's awesome weather project for 5th grade, another trip to Mexico on a missions trip, God's blessing on my business, seeing my brother and his wife finish their new house ... it is beautiful, luke making his junior high basketball team at north garner, learning to appreciate both of our families even more, watching my wife angela...admiring her gifts and abilities and the way she handles our kids....and falling more and more in love with her everyday....
and so much more... God is so good!
take a few moments at the close of 2007 to be thankful....

to all of you who were such a big part of my 2007... i love you!
looking forward to a miraculous 2008!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

goodwill toward men...

Have you noticed that during the Christmas season people seem to say nicer things? Like...every check out line I go through the cashier will say "happy holidays" or "merry Christmas" or "have a nice Christmas"..
But do you wonder have they just been programmed to say those things? I can see the memo in the Best Buy employee lounge dictating to the employees exactly what to say...and when to go from "have a nice day" to "happy holidays" if it will form some bond between me and them and keep me loyal to their store and products....I don't know they say the same things over at Circuit City?
However, today I went through a line at Target and a young man (probably 20 at most) looked me right in the eye from behind the register and wished me a Happy Christmas and I could tell he really meant it. I said something to him about his emotion and tone and complemented him on his sincerity...he was taken back....and then said these words to me which have had me thinking quite a lot....he said - the angels sang "peace on earth, goodwill to men" just prior to the birth of Christ - then he said that Jesus didn't come just to change our Decembers...but to change our lives. He went on to say "goodwill toward men"...genuine goodwill....that's an everyday decision (not just in December) made by a person whose life has been changed by the coming of Jesus...changed by Christmas! I simply agreed...and left pondering his profound words.
think about that...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

something significant about seeing

I was thinking more last night about how many times I've seen awe in the eyes of a child upon their unwrapping of a gift. There's really something significant about seeing. You all know the old phrase "seeing is believing"... as much as I believe in the necessity of faith in our pursuit of Christ and the life He offers...I think I also believe the seeing more of Him increases my ability and my desire to believe for more!
Luke 2 offers us the story of the shepherds being challenged by an angel to go see the newborn Savior of the world...v15 suggest that they decided to go straight to Bethlehem to see what had been told to them. v 17 suggest that when they had seen Him something happened to them...they were infused with a desire to believe in much that they told everyone what had happened to them.
Maybe this Christmas some of us need our hearts filled with awe again...maybe a little seeing this Christmas would be a good prescription for the soul...the Bible says if we seek Him (in my words "look to see Him") we will find Him....
Let me encourage to see Him this Christmas season...see Him at work, at home, in your friends, in your spouse, in your children....He is there waiting to be seen....there's just something significant about seeing.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

unwrapping gifts

just yesterday I brought home some gifts to put under our Christmas tree...when you have four kids the space under the tree can fill up really quick...I sat in our piano room for a while thinking back to many of the gifts I have given my children over the years...all the way to back to when they were infants...
I remembered some of the gifts that they wanted to tear into but needed either my help or Angela's help to fully unwrap the surprise...probably because I used to much tape in the wrapping process (I am always accused of that)....but with a little help they were able to fully experience their new gift.
I wondered while sitting there looking at the tree how many of us have lots of gifts that maybe we just need a little help unwrapping? maybe God has put some gifts in your life that are not fully unveiled yet...this Christmas season look to Him and some your close friends to help unwrap the gifts in your life...
blessings this holiday season!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

real HOPE

this afternoon I had the pleasure of joining some other believers at Garner United Methodist Church, and together we offered several homeless folks some warm food, a warm shower in their gymnasium locker rooms, and some clean clothes. it was an eye-opening experience and I had a wonderful time. my kids were all with me and I believe it was good for them to experience as well. sometimes I think our eyes are blinded to other's realities.
I had the privilege of sharing meal time with Danny...what a sweet spirited man...but with lots of needs...he seemed to be in a lot of pain and we were able to discover that his feet were bleeding because his shoes were too small and he walks several miles each day...the soles of his feet were covered with bleeding blisters...the group was able to offer some medical treatment and send some medical ointment and wrapping with him. Luke was sitting with Danny and I...and participated in the conversation. It was an enlightening experience for Luke and I both as we learned that Danny's daughter, Heather goes to Luke's school. I know that many of you reading this met others as well....let's remember to pray for them all.
it was wonderful to have such an opportunity to really offer some others a real HOPE!

get in the game

wow...Thursday was some kind of day for me! it brought back a rush of memories and i found myself to be very emotional. Luke, my 12 year old son, played in his first junior high basketball game at North Garner Middle School. His team won by 23 points. He looked so big when the teams came out for warm-ups. I was so proud of him. It took me back to the day when I played in my first junior high basketball games as a 7th grader. I had to fight back the tears...but I lost that battle when the coach near the end of the first quarter sent Luke from the bench to the scorers table...when the whistle blew for subs to come in and he ran onto the court I'm pretty sure everyone in the gym could see my head about to explode with pride. I LOVE MY SON!
after reflecting on these moments, I think God our Father feels that way about us. we have been called to be participants in our spiritual journey not just spectators or bench-warmers...I've watched Luke work hard every day at practice...sweat, sweat, and sweat some, run, and run some more...he works so hard because he wants to be in the game...not watching from the sidelines. how many of us really want to be in the game? or are we just satisfied with being near the game? I bet our Father's heart reaches explosive levels too when He sees His children work disciplined and determined to be significant players in the game...when He sees us work hard to be holy and to have a distinct influence on our world.

hide & seek

how many have ever played the childhood game of hide & seek? i think we all remember loving to scope out the best hiding places at grandma's house...the places most certain where no one...not even your oldest friend or cousin would find you. i remember always wanting to get to the shed at my great-grandmothers house and find a way to sneak inside the doors of the shed without anyone hearing me open and close the doors...or someone's vehicle always made a great hiding place if you could get in without the "it" hearing you get in. this fun spirited game has made me think a lot this week about the verse Paul wrote to the church in Colosse.
Colossians 3:3... "for you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God..."
so what does that really mean? the old man is gone, the old nature is gone because you died with He died for me but also as me...and if you're hidden in Christ it must be pretty difficult for the enemy (and there is definitely an enemy) to find you. if you ever found one of those great hiding places the only way you could ever be found was to expose make a noise so someone would hear give some type of clue as where you are...or to actually step out into the open and be found. maybe that is what we do spiritually...we step out of our hiding place in Christ and expose ourselves to the enemy. why would we ever do that...could it be that we get bored with the hiding place? if so, then we don't really know Him!
i guess i'm thinking that if we would take seriously our hiding place in would make it much more difficult for the enemy to impact our lives.
how's your hiding going?


Last week's question: How long after they arrived in Bethlehem was Jesus born?
Correct answer: the Bible does not say

Sunday, December 2, 2007

who's the reason for the season?

well the Christmas season has begun...all the shopping, the parties, the's all under way now...and if we are not careful we'll run straight through the holidays and ignore the real meaning of the season. the season is known as the advent season...a time, an opportunity to celebrate the Messiah's arrival or coming....think about why he came...
many different places you'll see the words "Jesus is the reason for the season"...and though his arrival is the reason we celebrate during the season, i'd like to suggest that YOU are the reason for the season...YOU are the reason Jesus chose to come...
take some time during this holiday season to celebrate CHRISTmas! enjoy the life that he offers and respond to Him like the shepherds did so many years ago at his birth...respond with awe and amazement and worship Him this season.