Sunday, October 14, 2007

big day! it is...the day adventure life church really goes public! i'm so excited i can barely contain myself today. this morning i decided to get up early and go to another local church for a time of refreshing and encouragement personally. i chose to attend the sunday morning service at garner christian was a great choice. i like to give a shout out to honor pastor john cavari...what perspective...and what a friend! he actually called angela and i up at the end of their service to have his people pray with us and for us on our big day. we did not anticipate that...but wow! it was they prayed for us several people actually had prophetic insight and word pictures for us. i just had the sense that God really wanted to remind me that He is totally, 100% involved in what we are beginning to do at adventure life church. One of the prophetic images that stood out to me gives confirmation and credence to our vision. The image was a lost deer panting, desperately thirsty for water...the deer continues aggressively until it finds satisfying water...the word declared that adventure life church would be an oasis that will satisfy those who are desperately thirsty! sound familiar?
thank you Lord....for this awesome day in the life of adventure life church!

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