Thursday, February 14, 2008

spiritual GPS

what a week so far! I have been on the road extensively everyday this week.
to Winston-Salem and back, to Charlotte and back, to Stokes County and is finally an office day...and there's a lot of catch up to do.
for the first time yesterday I used a GPS navigational system as I travelled through the mountains in Stokes County...what a helpful tool, but annoying as well...i could not decide if I liked it or I hated it. Every curve around the mountain on Hwy 8 the GPS saw as a turn...turn left 50 yards! prepare to turn right 500 feet! and on and on! I worked best for me when I muted the voice and just used the road map feature.
I think we have been called to be spiritual GPS systems for those who are lost to help navigate them to their destination. I wonder if people have the same feelings I had toward the GPS I they have to decide between our being really helpful and our being really annoying?
Think about it!

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